Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

A couple more beads added

I managed to get a small amount of stitching completed tonight, much to my surprise. I started the Mill Hill chart "Beading for Needlework - Basics and Beyond" 3 nights ago, on 1 September. So far I'm going pretty well, although I've misplaced my MH 40123 beads for the short term - no doubt they'll turn up when I least expect them, but in the interim I may just have to fork out for 1 more packet to enable some more stitching to take place (and obviously I can't finish the sampler until I get those dratted beads!). Anyway, here's a photo of my progress thus far.


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