Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

More UFO-ing today

Today has been a fantastic day stitching-wise, but a shocking day housework-wise ... what I should have been doing on my day off is my housework for the week - but instead the needle won over the vacuum cleaner haha. Oh well, such is life - luckily I only have to answer to myself when the chores don't get done :-)

I have to admit, I am now putting aside "Dena" - I only have the final band to go now, but it includes yet more of that dastardly thread weaving, and I think I've faced all the weaving I can for this week! Never mind, if it's really well behaved this week, I might bring it back out on Tuesday night for UFO night again and have another small attack at it. Unless something else takes my eye - I'm so easily distracted by my many projects underway haha.

Thank you to everyone that has been leaving comments on my blog - it is so gratefully received ... I can't believe how many wonderful needlewomen I've met in such a short time of blogging. After living on my own for the first time, I don't feel a lack of company at all - I come home to lots of chatting and camaraderie from yourselves and other online groups I belong to, and it's really wonderful fun. In answer to some of your comments:

Karenv - Glad to hear my UFO plan might be of interest to you. I have to admit, some weeks it took me a lot of personal drive to actually stitch some of the 'horrible' ones, but even if you put just one thread into the fabric over the night, it's one step closer to finishing :-) And I still can't believe that Summer Into Autumn chart is from The Drawn Thread ... I've been checking out online sources today to track it down. Enabling is great!

Sharlee - Wasn't that thunder and lightning amazing? I have to admit, when I first left work I spoke to my ex-flatmate who was on late shift, and was telling him what I was about to drive towards. He thought it was fantastic ... um, no, I kept telling him - I was wetting myself all the way home driving into it, I hate driving in that sort of weather ... I don't mind it when I'm tucked up safely indoors and can try to ignore it's happening! My mate ate his words later, though, as the storm hit the eastern 'burbs and knocked out all their power ... ended up frying one of the fuses, and their fridge/freezer has been out of action all night - yikes! Re my stitching, every now and then I'm disciplined ... but mostly I chucked the rule books out the window, and just stitch what I feel like :-) It will be nice to clear out some old UFO's though ...

Beckysc - Thanks heaps for your comments about Dena - I have to admit since I finished the thread weaving this arvo, she started looking a bit brighter in my eyes as well.

Jenna - You certainly can take the full blame for getting me to order the 2004 JCS ornie issue ... shame on you haha. I can't wait to see the other ornaments in there - I've never made one before, and looking forward to other enticements in both that issue and the 2005 one :-)

Cathymk - I have to say I was suitably impressed with the grab bag from Country Stitch. Which FOTM did you order? I ordered the plain fabrics initially, but I'm wondering whether I should change to the hand-dyeds ... I really like the ones I got in the grab bag ... hmmm decisions decisions!

Lelia - I'll have to check out the other Patrick's Woods designs - that threadwinder case pattern sounds intriguing ... I've still got my original DMC threads on floss bobbins, but eventually replacing them with the new plastic holders that hold the full skein (the name escapes me at the moment ... Gold concept??). Yippee, more enabling coming up - gotta love it!

Well, better hit the hay for the night - have made myself promise not to spend all night on the computer for a change. Instead I've been stitching, which is positive - and I have one more DVD to watch before I get to sleep ... my best mate used to call my bedroom in the old flat "Shackbuster", 'cos I have so many movies at home it was like a Blockbuster video hire store in there! I love stitching to movies - it just plays in the background, and I look up every now and then when changing threads. I also love talking books for the same reason - I love reading, and that means I can 'read' and stitch at the same time ... great time management, and kills two birds with one stone.


Blogger Lelia said...

I bought the PatWoods pattern on a whim & honestly, forgot all about it until I saw your thread holder ; ) I don't plan to stitch it soon. I might stitch it 'some day' though.

3:53 AM  

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