UFO Night
About 3 years ago I designated Tuesday night as "UFO night" - originally I had a numerical list of all my unfinished stitching projects. I got serious and numbered tiddlywink discs with the same list of numbers - on Tuesday night each week I drew a number out of the 'barrel', and whatever project had that number, that was the one I had to stitch on that night. I figure this was the only way I could force myself to stitch those UFO's I'd come to detest. Well, it worked OK for a while, and I managed to even finish a couple of UFO's that way, but I've pretty much fallen off the UFO wagon over the last 2 years since moving to Aussie.
And what better weather to sit and stitch to ... driving home tonight the sky was lit up amazingly by lightning - and on the last street before reaching home it started pelting the car with hail, and you couldn't see two feet in front of you thanks to the torrential downpour! I only have a few paces to walk between my carpark and the building, and in such a short space of time I managed to get a thorough drenching - unbelievable! Mind you, it seems to have eased off now, and is undoubtedly terrorising some other part of Melbourne with its energy.
One other great thing happened tonight - I recently rejoined Ebay just to find a copy of the 2004 JCS Ornament issue ... well today I actually won my first ever bid from a UK supplier, so hopefully my copy will soon be winging it's way across the oceans. After seeing The Sweetheart Tree's ornament in another blog, I really really wanted to stitch it ... I had no choice but to track it down and buy it! LOL. And hopefully I'll soon be completing another exchange for the 2005 JCS issue ... plus today is officially my Friday - tomorrow is the weekend for me - the day just doesn't get any better than this! :-)
Hi Anne, thanks for stopping by my blog :) Glad I could enable you with Summer into Autumn ;)
I love your idea for working on UFOs (I was just reading about it in the comments of Danielle's blog as well) - I don't have many things outstanding, but I have some large projects that are being neglected and I'm going to give your idea some serious consideration.
I wish I could be as disiplined as you...Wasn't the lightening and thunder great... I am glad I wasn't ACTUALLY in it as I am not very brave - respectful yes - brave - no... Hope you have a good weekend...Something nice planned I hope...
Hey there Anne :)
Good luck to you-I will be pulling for you and cheering you on in your UFO challenge :)
The piece you posted is AWESOME!
Uh-oh, is it my fault that you had to buy last year's JCS ornament issue? :D I hope that you'll enjoy it for more than just the Sweetheart Tree bellpull. I think that there are a lot of ornaments in there to satisfy a range of palates. Enjoy!
What a SUPER idea to get those UFOs re-started! I have been in a couple of MSN groups, where there have been various methods employed to encourage the members to finish their UFOs, but all fizzled out after a while. Having so many makes it awfully hard to decide which one to work on, so 'drawing straws' (so to speak) on the designated night is a great idea too!
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