Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The end to a good day

I forgot to post earlier that I also treated myself today - to a new Canon bubblejet printer. And the first thing I did was to print off the album pages for my last 4 small finishes to add to my printed stitching album. On each page I include a photo of the finished piece, plus information on the design/designer, dates started and finished, any specialty threads/stitches, the size of the piece (either cm or stitches), and any comments I want to make. It's really nice to flip through the pages every now and then to remember what achievements I've actually made.

To top the day off, I just played on the computer - no stitching done today, which is a bit bad, but I did something else instead ... I scanned photos of pages in my stitching magazines that I'd like to stitch. So often I'd have to flick through magazine after magazine that I own, just looking for 'something' - now I've scanned a photo of the project itself, and posted into a Word document, along with the issue and page number, so now I'm super organised haha. Oh well, even if I never use it, I had fun!!

It's now time to turn in for the night, after a most relaxing and rewarding day. At least tomorrow and the next week I'm on reasonable shifts, and just working 8am to 4pm ... it will be bliss going to work and coming home both in daylight! And it means my sleeping patterns should be a bit better this week ... which bodes well for stitching :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooh, the photo album is a FABULOUS idea! I hope you don't mind if I borrow it? :)

1:27 PM  

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