Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back to normal again

My last lot of visitors have moved on, and I have my wee flat to myself again - it was a wonderful wonderful visit with them, and so nice to see them again. If I wasn't going back home again next month for a visit, I would have been extremely upset to see them go last night - they're some of the closest family friends we have, and I've known Tracey since she was a toddler ... it almost feels surreal that they were actually here in Melbourne, though. We ate waaaaay too much over the last two days, and managed to help keep the St Kilda cafe economy afloat, having breakfast and coffees out etc. I tuckered the poor things out on Friday, as we enjoyed our time in St Kilda then Queen Victoria Markets - we were supposed to go out for dinner to Lygon Street (the Italian quarter) at their request, but by the time dinner came they were too exhausted, which I totally understand ... so we just ordered pizza and pasta for home delivery, and sat and had a couple of drinks and caught up.

Yesterday we indulged ourselves in an antipasto feast with items we'd bought from the markets - hummus, tzatziki, spiced capsicum dips, three different pesto/nut dips, Turkish pide breads and crackers, semi-dried tomatoes, caperberries, artichoke hearts, dolmades, and bell peppers stuffed with fetta cheese ... it was glorious! Only 3 weeks to go, and I'll be seeing them again, which will be wonderful.

They kindly brought my L&L charts over with them, so I can sort through them and work out which ones I want to put up for trade etc - I've decided I need to be realistic and get rid of those ones that I know I'll never ever stitch, and most of the angels come into that category now.

I stayed away last night up the coast at a suburb/town called Seaford - where I enjoyed the company of friends Bernie and Ali from work ... Ali out-did herself with dinner and we had cheese and crackers, salami and olives while supping white wine, then we had braised lamb shanks and mash for dinner, followed by a fresh plum tart, all washed down with a couple of bottles of red wine ... we could hardly move after all of it, but it was a wonderful night of girlie chat and work gossip :)

I've come home to seeing 412 unread posts in my blog subscription list - I may have to just gloss over some posts and not comment on everything in order to catch up ... I hate doing that, though. I do have to admit to reading everything, even if I won't be commenting, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up during the week by doing a bit each day. In the meantime, though, it's time to get my laundry etc done - the weather is very wintry today with a lot of rain and grey cloud, and the clothes will take quite some time to dry, I think, so better hurry up and get cracking.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :D


Blogger Susimac said...

You sound like you have had a lovely time with all your visitors, it always goes quiet and a bit flat when visitors leave especially when they are really welcome ones. Hope you have a lovely rest of weekend.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to have friends visit when you are living over the pond. When I lived there, I so enjoyed having my friends and relies come to visit. They were always in awe of the place as I had been when I first went there, but I always felt like an old trooper showing them around :)

6:34 PM  
Blogger mainely stitching said...

So glad that you enjoyed your friends (and got some charts returned to your stash)!

7:02 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I am so glad that you have had an enjoyable time with your friends... It is so nice to catch up with old friends and talk over old times... It sounds like you & your friends certainly kept the hospitality industry 'alive and well' this weekend...

Can I have a quick look at your angel charts please as angels are my favorite motif - as if you didn't notice the day you were here... I am more than willingly to pay for the charts you have nominated on the 'endangered list'...

7:28 PM  
Blogger Kali said...

Sounds like you had a great visit Anne :) I'm with you, I have many charts I'll never do that I just need to help find a new home. We should all make a list of things we don't want and see if we can help either other out with out wish lists ;)

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a time you had with your friends! The antipasto feast sounds wonderful, as does Ali's dinner. Yum! I'm glad that you have really enjoyed yourself over the past few days. :D

1:46 AM  
Blogger Von said...

My word, Anne! I had to grab a napkin to wipe the saliva off my chin just reading about all the great food you've enjoyed this weekend!! Yum!
I see I have 100 blog entries to catch up on, and there will be more tomorrow morning. Like you, I'll just grab a few minutes here and there to catch up.
Back to the routine. :D

4:31 PM  
Blogger Katrina said...

Hi Anne, sounds like you had a fantastic weekend, all that food sounds divine!!

have a good week!

7:53 AM  
Blogger Shelleen said...

Oh Anne, what a lovely time you had. food and wine and friends, what more could anyone need :-)

2:04 AM  

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