Stitching Bloggers Questions
Oops, forgot last week's question, so you get a 2-for-1 deal this week ;)
The 28 December's SBQ was suggested by Nancy and is:
"How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work, household chores, etc?"
What do you mean? Are we supposed to still do chores as WELL as stitching?? Oops ... haha. I have to admit, work always comes first - but as a shift worker my hours are pretty erratic, and affects my energy levels (both mental and physical) which affects how much stitching I get done, which can be negative or positive depending on the shifts. As for housework etc, now I live on my own I'm much more lax with housework than I used to be - I don't cook every night, and can easily ignore the dust, which helps to allow more free time haha. My biggest downfall for stitching time has, to be honest, been my blogging/computer time - I can lose track of hours at a time, and sometimes look at my stitching and think about how much progress I could have made if I hadn't been looking at that computer screen :) But if I hadn't been blogging or sat here, I wouldn't have met such wonderful online friends - so it all balances out :))
The 4 January's SBQ was suggested by Renee and is:
"Do you do your stash shopping at your LNS, ONS, or both? Which do you like better? Why?"
Aha, an easy one to answer - I shop from both, but predominantly from offshore ONS. The reason for both is easy - I prefer to shop from my LNS where I can see first-hand the colours of the threads etc before making a decision, but the only problem is for imported threads (which is 90% of them) we pay almost double what people pay in the US ... so I tend to buy most of my supplies (except DMC, only because it's easier, and I usually need that 'now' - DMC is still a lot more expensive too at up to AU$1.00 a skein) from ONS such as Stitching Bits & Bobs. I buy when they have their 25% off sales, which then offsets the postage costs, and I still save money overall. I would much rather support my LNS and keep them in business, but can't justify the extra cost (especially now my finances have changed dramatically, and every cent saved is a good one!).
Hi Anne! Our computers certainly are time drainers, but you're right - I've met some wonderful people here online! I will admit to even playing some online games last week during my "vacation". It seems that if I have a glass of wine, my stitching doesn't go very well, but my Bejewelled II game does, lol!
Anne, I love your sense of humor. As for housework - I think that's why I have two kids! :) Seriously, they do help with some things, and I'm always appreciative!
Hi Anne, I just found your blog a few days ago, and I am enjoying it so much..... I'm a Kiwi also, and in fact I used to live in Melbourne. I'm in Cyprus now, where there is absolutely no LNS, so I'm really missing Bustle & Bows! Re the housework, I do the stitching first, of course, but then I live alone and spend 12 hours a day at work, so the place doesn't get too messy. Regards, Ally
I spend three days a week cleaning my oldies' homes, washing, ironing, shopping, etc. but when it comes to our place, a lick and a promise is all it gets unless we are expecting visitors! Blogging, Ebay, reading and stitching all come before housework. By the way Anne, I still don't know how to find your email address (you invited me to email you a few days ago).
Hi Anne - Thanks for the Christmas card! I just picked it up in my office mail :-) You are so sweet! I love the cat on it! I will email you my home address :-) Now I have yours!
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