2nd happy dance today
Just in the nick of time (ie before midnight) I managed to put the final stitches into my 2nd stitching goal for the day ... and it took me all that time to actually finish it. I'm sorry to say that I really didn't enjoy stitching this one at all, which is probably why I was so slow at stitching it. I found the colours really drab, and I really detest stitching over-one with variegated thread because I have to stitch each stitch individually - all-in-all this is not a project I would ever have chosen myself ... however, there is a good piece of news in all this - as this is one of the ornaments Mum liked in the 2005 JCS ornie issue, this will be finding its way to her tree at the end of the year ... at least it will be going someone who will love it :) If anyone is wondering what the design is, it's "Home for Christmas" by Brightneedle.
Still haven't decided what to stitch tomorrow yet ... will see what I feel like when I get up. I also need to make an eating and exercise plan from tomorrow night onwards ... you see, tomorrow is D-Day (Diet-Day) - our company is subsidising 50% off 3 months of Weight Watchers for those of us wishing to lose weight, and I put my name down for it a few weeks ago - tomorrow is our first night/sign up. Another sign that I'm feeling good about myself, I guess - I'm actually wanting to make an improvement to my body, as well as my mind. :) It couldn't have come at a (possible) worse time with my finances in trying to cut back, but I'm already committed to it, and it's something I think I really need to do as I have put a considerable amount of weight on over the last year or so, and I'm starting to feel really unhealthy. They say life begins at 40, perhaps it's true ... ;)
Wow! This piece is tiny! good luck with the dieting! I am trying to get in shape as well. But mine is more that I need to exercise more, so now I am not working so much, I am going to try jogging three times a week, so this should help!
Happy stitching!
Cute ornament - I'm going to have to go back and look at that one. I'm starting WW this week too. The program is offered at work - no subsidy though. I'm looking forward to it - had much success the last time I did it. Too bad that I didn't stick with it though!
Cute ornament. It seems to be very tiny...
Remind me to tell you what I did when I turned 40...
Congrats on both of your HD's Anne :) And best to you with getting into shape.
How cute!!! Yay for happy dances!!
Its sweet, I love BN. Yay for dieting, I went to Slimmers World last year for 6 months and managed to lose 3 st, though its starting to creep back on - have been V naughty LOL!!
The ornament looks great, even if you don't overly care for it. :D You did a great job with the over one stitching.
Good luck with Weight Watchers! I hope you have a lot of fun with it. :D
Your ornamant is really cute, and good luck with WW...
Good for you, Anne, for starting the WW program! We'll all be here cheering you on. :D
Hurray for sticking it out and finishing the sweet little ornie for you mum. She'll love it!
Hi Anne, congrats on your ornie happy dance - I'm not keen on over 1 stitching full stop so think you've done a great job.
good luck with WW too- my Mum goes here in NZ and has quite a good weight loss over the past 6 months.
That ornament looks so cute! I love over one stitching - maybe I should put this one on my 'to do' list!
Good luck with WW. I've puton weight recently too - too much sitting around stitching!
Great that your company is paying for 50% of your membership, but I thought I'd pass along a free alternative to WW, SparkPeople.com in case you want to save a few bucks :)
Good luck,
Grant M
Great job on the ornament! I love the Brightneedle stuff, and this one is definately on my list. Good luck with Weight Watchers :)
It can be tough to stitch something you don't particuliarly like. But at least you know someone who will adore it. That can make all the differance in finishing it off. Luck with the Weight watchers.
Your Mom will love it, the stitching looks wonderful. WW is a great program that will get in your head and really change the way you see food. Just don't try to improve on it. Eating less than recommended to lose faster will hurt you later on. Happy Stitching, CJ
Great job on both of your finishes today, Anne! And good for you for wanting to improve your body and mind. Don't worry about the money. Do the things that are right for you and the money will come. :)
Congratulations on your ornie finish, Anne :) it's lovely!
Hi Anne!! Congrats on your ornie finish and on making the deadline for your goal! I've made a goal of an ornie per month in 2006, and now have one afternoon of stitching to stitch one for February. Think I'll make it? I'm sure your Mum will be thrilled with this ornament, your stitching is perfect and colors so soft.
Good for you about WW! You'll do great and be happy that you invested in it!
Oh my goodness, Anne! I just got a replacement PC tonight and here I am trying to catch up on three weeks of blogging and I see you've been through it all during the past weeks!! I am SO sorry I wasn't around to add a bit of support regarding the job, Mr. O, and the rest of the issues you've had to deal with. Your comment about life being too short to hate really struck home. I'll try to bear that wisdom in mind next time I encounter certain people! I am really rooting for your WW endeavor - I have a couple of friends who swear by it. Good luck, and keep on rolling with what Life throws you!!
It is a cute little ornament, but I am sorry to hear that you didn't truly enjoy stitching it. At least you know your mom will appreciate the gift.
Good luck with Weight Watchers. I think I am going to start attending some meetings with a co-worker. I may not strictly go by points, but I think the support will help.
this is really lovely Anne! And no rushing a t the last minute! LOL! By the way, I clicked on your link for Bine in Germany, and it brings up Sharon in Aust! opps, you may need to check your links!
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