Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Stitching progress

It was nice to pick up a needle again yesterday, and see some progress at the end of it ... I managed to get amost halfway through my charity quilt block for Dylan H with Quilts4Kids. His theme is Australian animals and sites, and thanks to Sharon and Gina I had a few to choose from after sharing their Aussie stitching books with me - I opted to stitch an Echidna from "Sourcebook for Australian Cross-Stitch" by Vivienne Garforth. I hope to get it finished today, and I'm ignoring the much-needed housework today in order to get it done ... and Fraze's staying for a few nights this week again, so he says, so it'll only need doing again afterwards, so probably better to leave the vacuuming etc until later ... see, I can find a good excuse for anything! LOL.

I'd like to keep doing charity stitching when I can - and I've included a spot in my new rotation for just that ... it might be only every couple of months I get to that rotation slot, but I figure every little bit helps - and there's nothing stopping me adding another one in every now and then, as the rotation police won't call around and arrest me for breach of rotation ;) Unfortunately a lot of my charts that are perfect for this sort of stitching are still back home in NZ ... so Mum had a phone call from me on Friday asking her to flick through my chart folders to see if there are any charts in there suitable for the latest group of quilt themes, and I'll pay for the postage for them to be sent to me. You have no idea how much I miss being able to flick through my old folders! It's not that I don't have enough here to keep me in stitching projects for years to come, just that I love to flick through them for inspiration - and for 'quick stitches' like these charity blocks. One day I'm going pay for the whole lot, along with my Inspirations magazines etc, to be shipped over by freight ... one day ... :)

Carina, I'll send you an email shortly - it would be great to see you in August :) I wondered how you went about getting your ticket changed - at least when I get to my 'proper' shifts on the new job, I can tell months in advance what days I'm actually working, so we can slot something in. I'm not sure about Luna Park - I know there's one in Sydney, so perhaps it is just owned by the same people? Not aware of any others in Aussie, but then again I'm not an Aussie, so nothing would surprise me! haha.

OK, back to my stitching again ... it's a grey overcast day, and a bit chilly, so a perfect day for sitting inside stitching! :D


Blogger Singular Stitches said...

What a cute...Echidna. (What the heck is that??? :o) It is cute, though! :o)

10:05 AM  
Blogger Carol said...

Love your charity block - super cute! I don't think there are any rotation police... if there were, they would have gotten ahold of me last month LOL!!

1:09 PM  
Blogger Dianne said...

Awesome about your charity block! It's gonna be cute.
A few years ago, I did a square of about four Aussy animals for a girl from Love Quilts who wanted a quilt with an Aussy theme. Speaking of LQs, I've done about 30+ blocks for them in 7 yrs. I definitely fit them in my rotation and if I don't do one for a while, I miss it!
My family and me only have so much wall space, etc. and a quilt is such a special gift.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

Oh, the Echidna will be so cute when done! Saw one on TV and my daughter wanted one for a pet LOL, thank goodness I don't think he'd do well in Canada ;) I had a giggle over your mention of the Rotation Police. I have never been sucessful with a rotation yet so it's a good thing there is no such thing! Hope you enjoyed your stitching time, that does sound like the perfect weather for stitching!

1:41 PM  
Blogger Rowyn said...

Your Echidna is looking really cute. Nice to see the piece about you and a pic of your stitching smalls in the latest issue of the Gift of Stitching! :-)

5:16 PM  
Blogger mainely stitching said...

Oh, I love this little critter. You have the cutest, funniest-looking animals there! This is going to make a great quilt square.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Lana said...

you guys have the best animal life over there! I have always wanted a pet chinchilla. They are SO soft! so, i got the next best cousin used to kangaroo hunt, and I have one of his skins.
I sorta got my pet chinchilla, my husbands hair is super fine and soft and I nic named him Chinchilla. I can't wait to see your finished echidna.

12:41 AM  

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