Here you will often find my thoughts of the day, with the occasional vent - but first and foremost this is where I can share my passion for stitching.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Out of Action

Unfortunately my phone line at home is as dead as a dodo ... so I can't access emails or the internet/blogs ... fingers crossed it will be fixed before Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath :(

If this doesn't work, and doesn't post, I'll try to access the internet from a library or something somewhere ... what am I going to do at home now?? I guess I'll have lots of stitching piccies to show and tell by the time I get back! LOL.


My apologies to those of you who read the previous post and got all the info about my work :( Obviously that's something I won't be repeating ... but at least I know it works!!

It turns out it's unlikely I can get the phone line checked before Christmas, which means I won't be able to access blogs etc very easily without going to an internet cafe or library (which is where I am now). If you need to contact me urgently regarding the RAK Registry or anything else, please try contacting Nicki (Plush) or Carol (Garden of Stitches) and they could let you know my work email address. Otherwise I'll try to pop into a cafe or library once a week to check incoming emails.

Apologies for the quick post, but I only have 15 minutes of access allowed here, and need to pop into my ISP website to see if I can access my emails. If I don't get chance to say so beforehand, all the very best to all of you and your families for a wonderful festive season!

I'll quickly close saying I have received a wonderful giftie today from Carol (Garden of Stitches) ... and I adore it! I'll post properly when I get chance, but Carol will no doubt give you a taste of the contents on her blog :D I'm sorry this isn't a proper thanks, but I'll write more when I have more time :D (Luv ya Carol!)


Blogger Carol said...

You're welcome! You have already thanked me properly - and yes, I posted it in my blog :-) Gosh, what a year you are having! 2007 had best be better!!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anne, I don't know if this is possible in Australia,but what I do when I have a similar problem in Paris (frequent, I am afraid) is to go to MacDonald's, who have thoughtfully provided free internet access at several of their restaurants. Only problem of course is that I feel compelled to have a pain au raisin from the Mac Cafe.. I hope the phone line gets sorted out for you soon, it is a real pain, I know

6:21 PM  
Blogger Kitty Couture said...

I was about to pop you an email! I do hope you get hooked up real soon! I'll sure miss you... but you'll be in my thoughts! (((hugs)))

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great timing for your phone line to break down :-( Have a very Merry Christmas, Anne, and I hope next year brings just good things for you.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you manage to get your phone fixed quickly {{{{Anne}}}} I hope you have a good Christmas

3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your phone is fixed soon! Have a wonderful Christmas :)

2:55 PM  
Blogger Cathy B said...


Hang in there. I keep thinking about you and hoping and praying that things turn around for you real soon!



4:06 PM  

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