Stash splurge and 'stuff'
Thanks for the supportive and caring comments over the last few days - they've all been very well received :) Sounds like we all have some horror stories to share with GP visits over the years! I have to admit, I've kept going back to this GP/Medical Centre ever since I went to her with high blood pressure about 1 1/2 years ago, as she had a really professional and efficient manner, and she was the one who diagnosed my gallstones after a few years of pains and no-one ever diagnosing it ... so I try to go back and see her. It means I have to drive 1/2 hour to get there, but for 'important' visits I'd rather have her treat me, with a good knowledge of my medical history, than some quack like I had on the weekend - she doesn't have bulk billing, so we have to pay for our visits with her, but I haven't found a decent bulk billing GP since I moved here ... I'd rather pay the money myself and get a decent diagnosis. All the GP's I've had there have been really good, until this last one - I guess I should look locally for a Dr in my area for those 'quick' visits.
I have to admit, my day back at work on Sunday was a bit rough in the morning, as I still felt a bit 'crook' ... but it was such a hectic and full-on day with unusual and time-consuming scenarios to fix, the day flew by and after lunchtime I felt a bit more 'normal'. I'm now on my final day of my 'weekend' and can't say I have much to show for it ... I went back into work yesterday for a free 'flu shot, then called into a LNS to pick up some extra threads as options for my exchange - I especially loved a Silk 'n Colors thread, but put it back again when I found out it was going to cost $12.95 for one skein! Still struggling with what to make for these exchanges, but I can't post 'why' as it will give the recipients away ... oh well, still plenty of time to go yet :)
Even though I'm on a tight budget, I have had a bit of a stash splurge this week, though, thanks to Nicki's generosity, plus the generosity of my last two houseguests ... I was going to hold their money as 'emergency money', but I ended up splurging on some stash (you can start getting the lecture ready now, Mum haha). I ended up using some of the money to order the Stitching Leporella kit of threads and beads from European XS (I already have the fabric coming from Jenna's gift certificate), which still gave me some money left over. So, thanks to Nicki, I've managed to have a wee stash splurge on some other items that I really wanted from SB&B ... the Judy Odell finishing book for the Stitching Leporello, some small Q-snaps, some Drawn Thread charts, Floss-away bags, LHN Coffee Menu chart, and Quaker Friendship Sampler by Samplers & Such ... phew! And boy, oh boy, it felt good!! My clicky finger has been suffering from serious un-use, but it finally got a good workout haha. I'll post piccies when it all arrives. I decided to get in quick with my order, as there is a 25% sale off at the moment.
I have to admit, I also did spend some of my own money too, as I had 9 hours of overtime coming in last payday, so I treated myself (that was before I had the option for a big splurge-fest) ... after seeing them on other blogs, I ordered some thread keepers from Jodi ... they're just magical!! I'm sure no-one will be surprised when they find I ordered one in the shape of a bird! haha. It's not a duck, but I've already told Jodi if a duck one ever becomes available, I'll be first in line! LOL. I was originally going to post some of my fave piccies of past holidays overseas, seeing as I can't post piccies of my stitching progress for a while - but then the thread keepers arrived, so at least I can post something stitchy-related :) My fabric also arrived from my FOTM with Country Stitch - this is the only regular shipment I didn't cancel, as the benefits are too good (all existing customers got automatic 20% off any fabric purchases, without having to work up to that level of loyalty - too good to resist!). This month's shipment is a 32ct linen "blue ice" ... pictured with last month's shipment I forgot to post about, a 28ct linen "haystack" (I think this could be perfect for my Coffee Menu sampler).
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to start the needleroll SAL with Katrina et al this last weekend due to total lethargy, then work, but I've been scouring the internet for different designs, as it's starting to become an obsession to find new ones ... since I made my first needlerolls last year, I'm dying to have a basket set aside just for needlerolls ... I just have to find some more charts first - I have a few sitting in my future wishlist now for a splurge some time in the far future, and in the meantime I've managed to find some Sweetheart Tree ones to start working my way through. So, next month, I'll be able to join in properly, and I'm getting my first two all kitted up ready for starting :) My first three candidates are Summer at the Ocean by Jeannette Douglas Designs, Strawberry needleroll by The Sweetheart Tree, and Sun needleroll by M Designs.
OK, time to sign off and get some errands done - it's finally a beautiful day outside with blue skies (had started to forget what that looks like!), so I might take a walk up the bay to get some fresh air after getting some mail in the post. It's my first official day as a day-shift worker tomorrow, so I have to work an extra 24 minutes each day, and fight the peak-hour traffic, so I think I might have use of public transport if it's fine weather - it means I get extra exercise to/from the train station (about 10-15 mins walk each way), plus I get chance to read a book on the train (it's only a short trip, so my travel sickness is relatively safe - but it's not long enough to try stitching, plus the train is sometimes standing room only) ... I want to make sure I make the most of my last day as a shift worker haha (fingers crossed it won't be for long, as the Supervisor job is being announced either today/tomorrow, and I can hopefully moved into their spot if it's a shift Hotliner that's chosen for the job).
Geez, I've waffled on in this post - so much for 'not much to say' ... or so I thought! I'll finish with a fave piccie of mine from Santorini, Greece from about 7 years ago :)
I keep showing the thread holders to DH and telling him that I need some. :) He can make them or buy them..totally up to him. lol I think I will probably end up ordering the rabbit and the heart. I love them both.
Good stash you got there. Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your sunshine.
Good Doctor's and hairdressers are so hard to find. :o)
I hate what we (Aussies) have to pay for beautiful stitching silks. Grrrr! Thank goodness for internet shopping.
Oh that Leporello is so beautiful. I'm green!
Are you serious? A 25% off sale? I really didn't need to read that. LOL!.... and then you mention how wonderful Country Stitch is in the same breath. Shame on you. I bought the FOTM several years ago and am very tempted again. They have beautiful fabbies.
Enough waffling from me too. Nice to connect with you Anne
With all that stash coming, you are going to be one happy stitcher!
I'm appalled by the price of your threads tho. I did the conversion to US$ and it's $9.42, about 35-40% higher than I pay for Silk 'n Colors. Ouch! How do your Australian silks compare in price?
Can't wait to hear how the new job works for you Anne!
Threads are so expensive in the LNS aren't they? I badly want to support the local shop, but just can't afford to!
Glad you got some thread keepers too! I was using mine yesterday - it's so gorgeous!
Great stitching stash Anne :)
Heheh, we're enabling each other, I see. Glad that you'll be stitching the leporello from the kit with me. :)
Can you please send me Jodi's email address so that I can get in touch with her about the thread keepers? I'm curious as to what shapes she has available, but they are all so pretty!
Finally, your picture from Greece is postcard perfect. I've never been there, so thanks for sharing! It looks fabulous.
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