Weekend GP's suck!
A very juvenile thing to say, but pretty much how I feel right about now. I just drove 1/2 hour away to my not-so-local GP for a doctors certificate for work, and to get checked out, only to see a different GP I've never seen before. When I called up to make an appointment the Receptionist seemed reluctant to make an appointment with him ... now I know why! What a jerk!! The last thing I felt like doing was jumping in my car and driving for 1/2 hour just to be told I should get back to work tomorrow (it's my last working day before my 'weekend', which is Mon/Tue this week), as I should at least work for one day ... then if I still don't feel well I'll apparently have to take some more time off work and I have to go back again and get some blood tests done, because "we've had to rush you through tonight" ... what the?!!! I just drove all that way just to be told the equivalent of 'take an aspirin and call me in the morning' - I'm disgusted! The whole time I was talking to him about what my symptoms have been he barely looked at me. My mutterings to myself on the way home weren't particularly complimentary! Can't say I'm looking forward to my 6am shift tomorrow ... Oh well, only one more then two days off again, I guess. I do have to admit, my muscle aches are a lot better than they were - but I haven't eaten properly for two days, so I'll try to get some proper food into myself tomorrow.
But today hasn't been all bad - I still have my coat on from walking in the door, as I had to reply straightaway ... I just came home to find an email from SB&B saying my pal Nicki has sent me a gift certificate in celebration of my job promotion - wow!! You could knock me over with a feather! What a wonderful email to come home to - I've sent you a personal email, Nicki, but thank you thank you thank you once again for such a generous gift - you're a real sweetheart! And it really cheered me up after my GP visit :D And there just so happens to be a sale on at the moment ... :D I've said it before, and I'll say it again ... blogging has really introduced me to some of the nicest people in the world! Thanks Nicki! :D
On the blogging front I managed to catch up on about 60 blog feeds today, but got fed up sitting in front of the PC, so tried to get some more stitching done ready to get my exchanges finished ... but I found my stitching last night was out by one thread on the border - I couldn't bear ripping it all out (over half of it!), so I just found a different thread and started a new one ... this time I'm 3/4 of the way finished so I can try the finishing method I have in mind - and also see if the design will work OK with the thread I'll be using for the 'official' exchange piece ... have to admit, I love it in this new thread, it's definitely very "me" - can't show and tell yet, though, so it won't ruin the surprise for the recipient ... I'll show you later, though.
Well, it's soon going to be bed time for me if I'm going to have a 5am wake-up call, so I'd better start getting things ready for the morning. At least I can be comfy in my jeans at work tomorrow ... ;P
Hope you're all having a lovely weekend so far :D
Hope you slept well Anne and dreamed of stitching stuff and not stupid egotistical GPs :)
Hope you had a good nights sleep and feel better today. GP's are the same the world over I think, we have a couple at our surgery who everyone avoids like the plague.
Well, now you know who to stay away from on your next visit to the GP, so you had a "learning experience". Ugh! Hope you're able to rest and get some good nutrition - that will help loads!
I'm off now to vacuum the family room.
Yeah - lots of GPs plain old suck! I hope you feel better this morning - a bit of stashy clicky finger shopping should help :D
I understand what you mean! When you get a GP that does not know you...yuck!!! I guess the one you got does not care much for working on weekends, but should not be taking it out on the patients! Gosh!!!
Send those froggies away - dying to see another stitching update! I still need to figure out which DMCs match the VC silks for Bordeaux Mystery Sampler... Taro Leaf looks like 500 and Malt looks like 729.... just still trying to match up Diane's Rouge for you... I bet it is in the 3800 range...
I try to avoid doctors. Some of them are just ???? Hope you feel better soon. What a lovely gift to be getting...Im sure that will go a long way to making you feel better :)
Feel better! Man oh man, I had a bad doctor's experience in February and it was my doctor of many years. Thing is, her physician's assistant is usually the one who has been seeing me the last 10 yrs. She misdiagnosed me, but me on an antibiotic that messed up my stomach for a month, etc.
I wish you lots of luck.
I hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
I hope that by the time you receive this you are feeling much better!
I too have met some really wonderful people through blogging - people like you! Hang in there!
I would agree with your assessment... that guy sucked! :) I hope that you are better now, though.
What a lovely thing for Nicki to do. Now you can celebrate your promotion even more! ;)
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